Plant Parts Pizza

A healthy spin on pizza featuring the six plant parts as toppings.

whole wheat pizza crust (you can also use a bagel, pita bread, tortilla, or English muffin from your local market)

Pizza Sauce
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup roasted bell peppers
1 handful basil
1 handful oregano
olive oil
salt and pepper

Pizza Toppings
shredded mozzarella cheese
1 topping for each part of the plant. Here are some examples:
seed = shaved almonds
roots = ribboned carrots, thinly sliced potatoes, onion
stem = chives, asparagus, leeks, rainbow chard stems
leaves = kale, spinach
flower = cauliflower or broccoli florets, artichoke
fruit = thinly sliced squash or zucchini

1. Select a vegetable pizza topping for each plant part.
2. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
3. Prepare sauce – Put tomatoes and bell peppers in blender. Separate leaves of basil and oregano from stems and add leaves to blender. Add a dash of olive oil, three pinches of salt, and a sprinkle of pepper. Blend for 30 seconds, or until smooth.
4. Brush whole wheat pizza crust with light layer of olive oil.
5. Add a large spoonful of sauce and spread evenly across crust.
6. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese evenly on top of tomato sauce.
7. Top pizza with plant part toppings.
8. Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until the plant part toppings are cooked and pizza crust is golden brown.